How to Use Breastfeeding Pillow for Tummy Time

To use a breastfeeding pillow for tummy time, place the pillow on a flat surface and lay your baby on their stomach over the pillow with their arms and shoulders propped up. Ensure that the baby’s chest is on the pillow and their arms are out in front so they can lift their head, strengthening their neck, back, and arm muscles.


Breastfeeding pillows aren’t just for feeding—they serve multiple purposes, including as a support during your baby’s tummy time sessions. Tummy time is vital for infant development, helping little ones strengthen muscles needed for rolling over, crawling, and sitting. Convenient and versatile, breastfeeding pillows provide a soft yet firm elevation for your baby, making tummy time a more pleasant experience.


This support helps babies work on their head and neck control in a safe and engaging way. Encouraging daily tummy time with the aid of a breastfeeding pillow assists in reaching developmental milestones and ensures that your baby enjoys a well-rounded routine of activities, comfort, and growth stimulation.

How to Use Breastfeeding Pillow for Tummy Time




Importance Of Tummy Time

Tummy time is a pivotal activity for your baby’s development. Crucial for strengthening the neck, back, and shoulder muscles, tummy time lays the groundwork for future milestones like rolling over, sitting up, and crawling. Starting tummy time early helps mitigate the risk of flat spots on your baby’s head, known as positional plagiocephaly.

Experts recommend beginning tummy time as soon as your baby comes home from the hospital. Start with short sessions of about 3-5 minutes, gradually increasing the duration as your baby gets stronger and more comfortable, aiming for a total of an hour per day by the time they’re 3 months old.

AgeRecommended Duration
Newborn3-5 minutes
1 month old15-20 minutes
2 months old30-40 minutes
3 months oldaround 60 minutes
  • Ensure a safe surface for your newborn, like a breastfeeding pillow, which cradles the baby for comfort and support.
  • Place your baby’s arms in front of the pillow to encourage lifting of the head and chest.
  • Incorporate engaging toys within arm’s reach to stimulate your baby.
  • Always supervise your baby during tummy time.

How To Use Breastfeeding Pillow

A breastfeeding pillow provides crucial support during nursing, but its usefulness extends beyond feeding times. It is an optimal tool for tummy time sessions, helping your baby develop important muscles with comfort and security. To commence tummy time, lay the breastfeeding pillow on a flat, safe surface. Make sure the area is free of small objects or anything else that could pose a risk.

For positioning and placement, gently position your baby’s chest and arms over the breastfeeding pillow while their legs dangle towards the floor. This elevation aids in the strengthening of neck and upper body muscles and gives your little one a different perspective of their surroundings.

Using the breastfeeding pillow safely is crucial. Always stay with your infant during tummy time, never leave them unattended. Engage with your baby, encourage them with toys, and watch for signs of fatigue. When finished, carefully lift your baby off the pillow and provide a restful space.

Alternatives For Tummy Time

Propping techniques can significantly enhance tummy time for infants. You can use a variety of items around your home for this purpose. A rolled-up towel or a soft blanket can provide gentle elevation. For a sturdier option, consider using a wedge-shaped foam pillow that is firm enough to offer support but soft enough for your baby’s comfort.

Proper propping helps babies lift their heads and engage muscles crucial for development. Positioning your baby so the chest and arms are elevated on the prop while the tummy and legs remain on the floor can be effective. Always ensure toys are within reach to encourage active participation.

Safety measures should be your top priority when using any propped pillow. Avoid using pillows that are too soft or high, as they could pose a risk of suffocation or falling. Never leave your baby unattended during tummy time, and be vigilant about their comfort and breathing. Ensure that the baby’s face is clear of the pillow to prevent any breathing obstructions.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Use Breastfeeding Pillow For Tummy Time


How Do You Position A Baby On A Boppy Pillow For Tummy Time?


Place the Boppy pillow on a flat surface and gently lay your baby’s chest over it, ensuring their arms are in front. Legs should straddle the pillow, mimicking a flying position. Keep toys within reach to engage and encourage lifting of the baby’s head.


Can You Use A Pregnancy Pillow For Tummy Time?


Yes, a pregnancy pillow can be repurposed for providing support during tummy time for infants.


Should You Use A Prop Pillow For Tummy Time?


Yes, using a prop pillow like a nursing or a Boppy pillow during tummy time can provide support and help strengthen your baby’s neck, back, and shoulder muscles.


At What Age Do You Stop Using A Nursing Pillow?


Parents typically stop using a nursing pillow when their baby can sit up unaided, which is usually around 6 months of age.




Mastering the art of using a breastfeeding pillow for tummy time is a breeze with the right tips. Confidently transform feeding accessories into developmental aids for your little one. Embrace this dual-purpose tool to enrich your baby’s growth and ensure comfort during these precious moments.


Remember, a breastfeeding pillow isn’t just for feeding—it’s a gateway to engaging play and strengthening sessions that set the foundation for your baby’s milestones. Keep it simple, stay consistent, and watch your infant thrive with each tummy time adventure.

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